From moving into a quaint shotgun on Caroline Avenue, to calling a 19th century cottage in the Oakleigh Garden Historic District home, Taylor Russ has an undeniable love for Mobile's historic architecture. "It is truly a passion of mine, which is another reason I love living in a restored historic home" she told us.

In fact, before Taylor and her partner, Haley, made their George Street cottage home, it was fully renovated by Restore Mobile. For her recent birthday, she generously dedicated a Facebook fundraiser to Restore Mobile in lieu of gifts. Not only did it raise $350, but it also shared Restore Mobile's mission with her friends online. This kind of support is invaluable and we are grateful to have Taylor in our community. We caught up with her recently about her love of historic architecture and her decision to give back to Restore Mobile.
"I love Mobile’s history and I want to do everything I can to save the relics of the past we have left"

Why is preservation important to you?
I grew up in Mobile, and I have always loved our historic districts. From a young age, my dad would often tell me stories of his childhood growing up in Ashland Place. My dad tells the best stories, and they are always somehow wrapped up in local history. I love Mobile’s history and I want to do everything I can to save the relics of the past we have left. Due to Mobile’s multi-cultural influence, we have some of the best and most eclectic architecture in the South. Mobile lost a lot of architectural gems throughout the years, but now we have the opportunity to save what is left. As a realtor and graduate of Spring Hill College, my concentration and focus has been on historic homes, their architecture, and preservation.
"I get to see firsthand every day the effects of the efforts Restore Mobile has made- transforming the beauty of a community"

The George Street house before it was acquired and fully renovated by Restore Mobile.
Why did you decide to host a fundraiser for Restore Mobile?
I live in a house Restore Mobile saved. Watching my neighborhood over the last couple of years and seeing the amazing growth it has experienced has been inspiring for me. I get to see firsthand every day the effects of the efforts Restore Mobile has made- transforming the beauty of a community. I am so thankful to have been apart of the restoration efforts in South Oakleigh and see the preservation of these beautiful homes in a very special neighborhood.

Did you find the process of setting up a fundraiser easy?
Absolutely! Facebook notifies you of their fundraiser options a few weeks before your birthday. From there, they give you the option to pick whatever non profit you’d like to support. I just shared it on my personal and business pages to get the word out!

Taylor's friends and family came out in full force, raising nearly $400. "I think the people who know me best know how important preservation is to me, and they wanted to support that". That passion is making a difference for Restore Mobile and in Mobile's historic neighborhoods through our continued efforts and projects. Thank you, Taylor!